How much is the extermination of otters?

How much is the extermination of otters?

NutrieBy mid-September it will be published by the Friuli Venezia Giulia the eradication plan nutria. Since then presumably start hunting. I metodi previsti dalla Legge regionale sono gli stessi utilizzati dai tedeschi nella seconda guerra mondiale: from shooting to gassing (upon capture). No matter that will remain in their dens puppies waiting for breast milk, o se i bambini che hanno dato il nome alle nutrie resteranno traumatizzati dall’apprendere che le simpatiche amiche sono state uccise da quegli adulti che dovrebbero proteggere i più deboli. In war not sparing anyone.

But all this machinery of death what it costs, and who pays? I soldi sono quelli che i cittadini hanno affidato alla Regione, Therefore, the figures can not be hidden.

The Regional Law 9 June 2017, n. 20 <<Measures for containment aimed eradication of nutria (Myocastor coypus)>> prevede la spesa di 66.000 euro for the first three years. But the financial report attached to this law indicates additional expenses: 2.000 Euros for the purchase of traps and 20.000 euro (then go up mysteriously 42.000 euro in the law of budget balancing) for disposal of remains of deceased otters. Con 100.000 € sarebbe stato possibile sterilizzare circa 2.000 nutrie.

Last few days to sign the petition asking to change this law inhuman. These are the places where you will find the petition to the 31 August:

  1. Garden Tergesteo Trieste Tergesteo in gallery
  2. Serra Hub a Trieste in via Economo
  3. Gelateria Easy in Muggia in Riva de Amicis, 29
  4. Pharmacy at the Marina in Muggia in Piazzale Foschiatti, 4 (area bus station)

You can also print the petition this link

The sheets with the signed petitions will be taken in the restaurant Garden Tergesteo until Thursday 7 September.


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