629 signatures to save the otters

629 signatures to save the otters

Nutrie rio OspoMore than 600 signatures for the petition “Save Nutrie” which it was presented today 11 September 2017 the President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council.

The petition proposing the amendment of the Regional Law of the Friuli Venezia Giulia 09 June 2017 n. 20 <<Measures for containment aimed eradication of nutria (myocastr ciypus)>> per saved from a cruel death thousands of otters and apply the best ecological methods for the containment of animals of this species.

National law 11 February n. 157 in this regard, it provides for the control of the species <<usually practiced through the use of environmentally friendly methods of opinion of the National Institute for wildlife (today ISPRA). If the Institute verify the ineffectiveness of those methods, regions may authorize reduction plans>>. For ecological methods means Bloodless methods, hence have to be used first. There are several texts that describe them, but the most important is the guideline for the control of otters ISPRA. Even the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia has decided to fund a study to identify and test systems to decrease the ability of otters. <<I wonder what sense it makes to do a study to reduce the fertility of animals and at the same time order the shooting and the gas chamber of all the otters? E what will the puppies that will remain refugees in their dens, waiting for his mother to nurse them back to?>> asks the first signatory Cristian Bacci. Today, with the current Regional Law, the use of firearms or trapping and subsequent killing of the animal with the euthanasia method using narcotics is allowed, airguns or common firearms. Only as a third option there are methods and tools made available by the scientific community. The petition signed by 629 citizens the region plans to use exclusively these methods and non those involving death by human hand.

Now the ball goes to the Region where the proposal will be discussed in the competent Commission.


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