Cages with birds at the mall: animal in uprising

Cages with birds at the mall: animal in uprising

Animalisti amazed by the choice of the direction of the shopping center Montedoro Shopping Center to host a bird show. <<Titled free as a bird a popular Beatles song, because the collective, birds, are the wild animals in the world>> Bacci tells Cristian Association MujaVeg <<But despite that we managed to exploit these, put them in a cage, deprive them of their right to a happy life>>. And then he continues questioning the educational value of a bird show <<We can not tolerate that children and families who go to a shopping mall see animals locked in cages, what message we give to future generations? That exploitation and dominion over animals is normal, natural and necessary?>>

Animal rights activists believe a contradiction that on the one hand the Ipercoop is closer to the needs of vegetarians and vegans, with products aimed at creating an alternative to animal-derived foods consumption, the other, the direction of the center promotes events contrary to the sensitivity and ethics of a growing chunk of its customers.




MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329