Violence on fish in Muggia: a chorus of associations from the side of the weak

Violence on fish in Muggia: a chorus of associations from the side of the weak

The animal rights activists ask to cancel the fishing event to be held in these days in Muggia and the withdrawal of the municipal patronage. The animal lovers believe it is now time to “to evolve” from an ethical point of view and hanging up all weapons, even those used to kill fish.

<<Fishing is passed as an educational moment or fun for the kids: nothing more wrong. Subtract the fish from the sea, causing unnecessary suffering, It is an ill-treatment of animals, atrocious as the abandonment of dogs in hot cars or highway. We believe the strongly anti-pedagogical fishing because anti-empathic, This means that educates young people not to enter into relationships with each other, He does not teach to understand what the other test. Put yourself in the shoes of a fish: imagine the steel entering the palate and leaves you the wounds that they are non-lethal, probably will prevent you from bringing power to a starvation death>> While the majority of Italians are now against hunting, fishing continues to be naturally transmitted from father to son. <<Children and teens are encouraged to have fun in front of the dying fish, thus we are rendered incapable of deciphering the signs of suffering that the inhabitants of the sea transmit us when subtracted to their habitat>>.

Volunteers of animalistic associations in the area are optimistic <<Barcolana last year is back on his feet and canceled a similar event that had nothing to do with respect for the sea>> and we hope that boaters Milje cancel the event or turning it into an event that does not lead to animal suffering << we hope will prove the same intellectual maturity had by the organizers of the Barcolana and respect for the sea inhabitants>>.

member Associations:

Groundhog Dog
Sea Shepherd Italia
The Ares Path
Sos Parrots
World Animal Day
Trieste Animal Day
Animal Pride Defending Association
Luna and Sam's Friends
Free to Fly
The Voice of Rabbits
Paw Paw on
Vittoria for Animal Rights
Environmental Association Eugenio Rosmann Monfalcone

Fishing Flyer


MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329