Nel 2018 more than doubled the number of vegans in Italy

Nel 2018 more than doubled the number of vegans in Italy

Good news for animals and for civil rights: the 2018 It was a year of consolidation of veg choice. To support the Eurispes relationship for several years following the trend of ethical choices in Italy.

The data are clear, vegans in Italy rose from 0,9% del 2017 al 1,9% del 2018, with an increase of more than double. The figures are also predict that between these new vegans there are former vegetarians, that they are in fact slightly downhill. The veg people comprising vegetarians and vegans rose by 0,2%, rising to 7,3% the population sample taken.

Most sensitive to animal suffering have been women: the 5,8% is the female population of the sample is vegetarian against 5% some men, the 2,8% It is vegan as against 1.1% of men.
The peak of vegetarian we find on the islands, where one inhabitant in ten is veg. In North-West instead the maximum percentage of vegans (3,1%). Vegetari dietana's choice, in particular, self-employed, where even we come to the 20% and entrepreneurs that reach the 13%.

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