In steady increase vegans and vegetarians in Italy

In steady increase vegans and vegetarians in Italy

Positive news for animals and for civil rights: the 2019 It was a year of consolidation of veg choice. This is supported by the Eurispes report that has been following for some years, tra le altre cose, the trend of ethical choices in Italy.

The data are clear, vegans in Italy rose from 1,9% al 2,2% the population over 2019. Even more sensitive is the increase of vegetarians that from that from 7,1% They rose 8.3%. Overall the number of people who do not eat animal rose to 8,9%, percentage ever achieved by 2014, since Eurispes began collecting this data.

Among men and women there are no substantial differences in relation to the choice to be vegetarian or vegan: are slightly longer vegetarian men (7,9%) than women (5,5%), while if to be taken into consideration is the diet of vegans, to follow are slightly outnumber females (2,7%) than males (1,6%).

Among respondents to be vegetarian, They show the highest rates among the lowest age group: respond to belong to the category with 8.6% of those aged between 18 e i 24 years and 8.5% of those who have between 25 e i 34 anni. Then we find the 7,2% and the 45-64enni 6,7% of those who have between 35 e i 44 anni. Among the sixty, finally, Food choice is diffused to the extent of 4,1%.

A married instead the precepts of the vegan diet are mostly intermediate sections of the population: the choice is in fact received among those who are between 45 e i 64 years of age as far as 3,1% and among the 35-44enni the extent of 2,4%. Lower values ​​are proselytes among boys aged from 18 to 24 anni (to the extent of 1.9%), followed by 1.5% of those who 65 and over and 1.1% of those who are aged between 25 e i 34 anni.

What are the motivations behind the choice of abandoning the nutrition and traditional embrace a new way of eating and food to conceive?

Among those who have chosen to pursue a vegetarian and vegan, the 23,2% It moved by the fact that it is a habit that proves beneficial to health, the 22,2% it is because has a deep respect for the animal world, the 19,2% to eat less and better and the 17,2% as part of a broader philosophy of life. Yet, the 9,1% It decided to experiment this alternative eating style to the traditional curiosity, the 5,1% for an attitude of preservation and protection of the environment and the 4% for other reasons.

Reasons for the choice by age

Does it reflect the new data on former vegetarians, which amounted to in Italy 6,3%. This is a topic on which associations can and must do a lot to try to establish support networks for those who approach a choice with little awareness and find themselves retracing their steps due to difficulties or not very strong motivations such as health.


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