Circuses and otters in the City Council in Muggia: sit-in informativo

Circuses and otters in the City Council in Muggia: sit-in informativo

In the City Council in Muggia 18 July will discuss two proposals for the protection of animals.
The first offer chiede di modificare il regolamento per la tutela ed il benessere degli animali per introdurre norme che limitino i tipi di animali utilizzati nei circhi, preventing the use of species in danger of extinction or whose management model is not compatible with the detention in a mobile structure and in particular: receive, dolphins, wolves, bears, big cats, seals, elephants, rhinos, ippopotami, giraffe, birds of prey, as required by the new regional legislation. The proposal itself acts on the encampment of the request method, inserting the edge of a circus with animals to be authorized each year and encampment by limiting the period for three months a year, as it happens for example in the municipality of Alessandria.
In second proposal viene chiesto al Sindaco di tutelare le nutrie muggesane anche impegnandosi a chiedere alla Giunta Regionale che siano i Comuni parte attiva nella gestione del contenimento delle nutrie. This would avoid the use of bloody methods and the use of environmentally friendly methods of restraint, sopratutto in zone come quella di Muggia dove i benefici legati alla presenza dei roditori sono di gran lunga maggiore ai danni da questi causati e dove l’eradicazione violenta sarebbe totalmente inutile.
We will make our views to the local government the day 18 from 17.45 all 19.00. Followed by those who enjoy it will be possible to follow classroom discussions. Here the event on facebook.
During the event you can sign the petition saves otters we speak in this article

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