This year the kiosk MujaVeg the feast of St. Martin

This year the kiosk MujaVeg the feast of St. Martin

Is renewed for the third consecutive year the presence in Muggia the MujaVeg kiosk at the feast of St. Martin

The wine festival is a good opportunity to take the time and reason with activists on materials and institutionalized exploitation and supply conditions of the animals died. E’ priority in fact acknowledging that even in our democracies is at work a mass disposal system that can only be stopped with an extensive participation in an expression “policy” opposition to speciesism.

Activists will distribute information material on animal matter, and will be available to answer any questions.

As always, the Liberty pastry Trieste will offer cakes and pies, and this year the sommelier will match some local wines Ornella vegan vegans.

The "Festa di San Martino" now in its 13th edition, It takes place in the characteristic Piazza Marconi, dove vengono posizionate le casette in legno che ospitano artigiani e aziende agricole della Regione, but also of the neighboring Slovenia and Croatia, to offer the specialties of the season.
Everything is then seasoned with music, animation, exhibitions and activities to approximate population, turisti e operatori commerciali alla tradizione e ai sapori dei prodotti della terra come, came, oil, roasted chestnuts, mulled wine, fruits and vegetables.

Il Villaggio di San Martino sarà aperto venerdì 9 November from hours 9.00 at 22.00, Saturday 10 from 9.00 all 23.00 is Sunday 11 from 9.00 all 21.00.

Who wants to join the staff, can send an email to or a private message on Facebook page MujaVeg


MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329