I see myself! What you would not have expected from VEG!

I see myself! What you would not have expected from VEG!

Course Vegan KitchenBy popular demand, un’altra esperienza in cucina ed in tavola con i Vughies: la coppia che ha trasformato la cucina in un’arte, where the ingredients are like the colors on a palette. Khouzama and Alexander back in Liberty pastry kitchen Mandela Day 5 in Trieste, the 24 February all ore 17.30.

«Alcuni sapori e piatti che durante la nostra esperienza hanno mandato in brodo di giuggiole e sbalordito anche i più scettici ed irriducibili ANTIVeg» raccontano i Vughies «Li ho visti fiondarsi su dei fusilloni Senatore Cappelli semintegrali conditi con il Nostro VegRagù (Obviously BIO) and eat 3 dishes… One of them has become aware only when I informed him that he was enjoying the main course of a RagùVeg… As he looked at me! We were really happy to be able to spread taste and goodness where no cruelty. "

Always interesting variety of dishes:
– Beetroot carpaccio with spinach, valerian, arugula and pears. Embellished with vinegrette, aged balsamic vinegar and toasted pine nuts Mediterranean. a dusting scales of Amazonian nuts and nutritional yeast. Accompanied by a bread crust stuffed with ancient grains to midday flavors.
– RagùVEG recipe VUGHIES with Lentils, Tritello di Farro, soy…aromatic, a pulp fabulous and many little secrets. We also take the GlutenFree version
– Squares Marinated Tempeh with orange sauce with potatoes and pumpkin sauteed.

La Pasticceria Liberty farà degustare anche alcuni dolcetti VEG come le Carsoline…and more..
More details in facebook event page


MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329