And Bioest opens to veg

And Bioest opens to veg

MujaVeg al BioestBioest, the fair of natural products, environmental groups, cultural and volunteering now in its 23rd edition.

The event will take place in the beautiful setting of the park of the former psychiatric hospital of San Giovanni in Trieste. Questo ospedale era conosciuto come un luogo di contenimento, and where the therapeutic intervention was serving frequently the limitations of clinical setting that opened little, if nothing, to the contributions of social psychiatry and psychotherapy. In the late 70s the place has completely changed the face with increasing sensitivity and social ethics, e gli ex pazienti hanno riassaporato la libertà della vita. Oggi l’ex spedale psichiatrico è conosciuto dai più per lo splendido parco, and for its roses.

E proprio in questi spazi si respira la nuova frontiera dell’etica con una sempre maggiore vicinanza ed empatia verso gli animali. Bandits products coming from the slaughter of animals, and openness to animal welfare organizations and events concerning veg.

Il Bioest apre sabato 3 at 9.00 e chiuderà domenica 4 June at 20.00.

MujaVeg will be present with an information stand, e sarà possibile trovare le nuovissime borse per la spesa, con il logo della nutria, increasingly mistreated animals in this region. We report the presence of the cultural Naica friends who will prepare vegan delicacies, ed uno showcooking vegano con degustazione della Blogger Alessia domenica alle 13.00.

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329