"Do not shoot the nutria" Muggia frontrunners in Fvg

"Do not shoot the nutria" Muggia frontrunners in Fvg

Parte dalla cittadina rivierasca la petizione regionale contro la nuova legge MujaVeg reclama il contenimento della specie solo con metodi non violenti

Riccardo di Tosques


Nutrie MuggiaMUGGIA. No violent slaughter, yes to the containment through ecological methods. Part of Muggia the petition to make the necessary adjustments to the junta Serracchiani the provisions included in the regional law 20 del 9 last June which it provides for the eradication of even otters through the reduction.

History Originaria della Patagonia, The nutria is a rodent introduced in the last century in many countries in both North America and Europe. The first commercial farm for the production of fur arose in Italy (in Piedmont) at the end of the Twenties to reach some decades later also in Muggia and in other areas of Fvg. "The spread of this activity is due both to the interest of the fur trade, that, especially in the early years, It was quite high, It is the ease with which they could be bred otters: later it turned out to breeding practice gradually become less profitable and was gradually abandoned ", It reads in the "Guidelines for the control of nutria", the text written with the support of the Ministry of National Institute for Wildlife "A. Ghigi ". Thus they began to occur the first entries, almost always voluntary, otters in the wild. These inputs have allowed the formation of nuclei naturalized self-sustaining as otters Muggia del Rio Ospo, become a real popular-media phenomenon thanks to the massive presence of rodents in the area Rabuiese.

Features Ma quali sono le caratteristiche delle nutrie? These rodents ingest from 700 a 1.500 grams of plant material per day. A quantity which corresponds approximately to 25% of their body weight. The most common foods are aquatic plants, roots, leaves, e rhizomes tubers. The nutria reaches sexual maturity at a very early age: already 6 months males are able to reproduce. Females can reproduce on average 2,7 times per year. At birth, the average number of infants is five.

The law «Il provvedimento di eradicazione delle nutrie nel Fvg con metodi selettivi intende tutelare le produzioni zoo-agro-forestali, hydrography and hydraulic works ". So Diego Moretti (Pd), speaker majority of the law in question, He explained the decision to exterminate the rodents Region, including those present in the Rio Ospo. For the regional minister Paul Hunt allla Panontin the nutria is a species' invasive, not original and harmful '. The junta has so Serracchiani passed a law to implement a three-year plan to contain the cost of 60 thousand euro. Among the usable suppression methods, "Common firearms" or "trapping and subsequent killing with method of euthanasia of the animal by means of narcotics, airguns or common firearms ".

The petition «Per affrontare la questione nutrie la Regione ha completamente snobbato i possibili metodi ecologici contenuti nella legge 157 11 February 1992 proposed by the National Institute for wildlife '. So Cristian Bacci, head of the association MujaVeg, tells why the birth of the petition in which he expressly asks that the otters do not suffer during the eradication made by the Region. Among the methods suggested to also invoked from other environmental groups: sterilization. Waiting to see the results of the study at the University of Udine to identify and test systems that reduce the reproductive capacity of otters, study funded by its own region with a budget of 80 thousand euro, where you should experiment with synthetic products, added to palatable foods or substances naturally present in the plant they are able to contain the species, The petition started. The petition, scaricabile sul sito www.mujaveg.it, It may be signed or delivered in Muggia (Easy to Gelateria beside de Amicis and Pharmacy in the Navy yard Foschiatti) or Trieste (al Giardino Tergesteo e al Serra Hub in via Economo) by 30 August. After the signatures will be handed over to the Fourth Board of the Regional Council. Meanwhile, the Department of Civil Defense Stefano Decolle confirms

non-existence of otters problem at the level Muggia: "I do not know in the region, but here we have not received reports of damage caused by otters ". It now remains to be seen whether and when even the rodents of Rio Ospo fall in abatement plan


MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329