Pizza breadsticks

Pizza breadsticks

Ingredients (per 8 portions)

260 ml of water

80 ml EVO oil

1 instant yeast sachet (cream of tartar is fine)

1 teaspoon sugar

500 gr flour 0

1 teaspoon e 1/2 sale

3 / 4 concentrated spoons of tomato

1 abundant spoon oregano

pizza breadsticks
pizza breadsticks

Cooking: oven

Difficulty: medium-low

Procedure .

Sift the flour and mix it with the baking powder, salt, sugar and oregano.

Start kneading with warm water and oil and at the end add the concentrate .

It is possible to put all the ingredients in a food processor and knead with the universal blade .

An easily manipulated dough is obtained.

Dividerlo in 8 pieces and give each one the classic shape of a breadstick and cut the dough to the desired length .

Place the breadsticks one away from’ other on a baking sheet with parchment paper .

Cook in a static oven preheated halfway up to 220 ° for 20/25 minutes .

The breadsticks must be hard and not soft . Let them cool very well before removing them from the pan .

For a good conservation keep them in a tightly closed cotton bag.

Kriss Mucchi

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