Lip balm for lips

Lip balm for lips

Ingredients (per 6 jars of 15 ml c.a.)

1 Spoonful of lip balm or shea butter’

1 spoon of mimosa wax

1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil

Vitamin E (optional)

8 drops of essential oil of your choice

Specific jars from 10 O 15 O 20 ml with screw cap

lip balm for lips
lip balm for lips

Cooking: pot

Difficulty: medium-low

Procedure .

Dissolve in a saucepan placed in a saucepan with water (do not add too much water otherwise the saucepan starts to float and overturns) the butter of your choice with the wax and l’ oil. Mix well until all is liquid.

Turn off the heat and only then put the vitamin E (useful not only for the skin but also as a preservative for cosmetics).

Add the 8 drops of’ essential oil of your choice. Mix and immediately transfer into jars.

Let them cool down 10 minutes and then close them and put them in the fridge for at least 40 minutes.

The lip balm will keep for six months so it is always advisable to write the expiration date a 6 months from preparation.

Kriss Mucchi

MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329