The number of vegans in Italy is still increasing

The number of vegans in Italy is still increasing

The year begins with good news. The number of people in Italy making an ethical choice to respect animals is still increasing.

For who, like us, chooses to take the field to provide information, criticism and denigration are on the agenda, however data such as these show that the constant and painstaking work, leads to provide more information to the population and to allow more and more people to make an informed choice in respect of animals.

Also this year Eurispes has included a survey on ethical choices in the Italy Report. The document divides the population among those who are vegan, who is vegetarian and who is not. The document highlights an increase in both vegetarians and vegans between 2019 and the 2020.

Never before has the number of vegetarians and vegans added together since the polls began in 2014: in total, 8.9% of Italians do not eat animals.

The data relating to the age of vegans is also interesting. In the younger age group between 18 ed i 24 years well the 10,5% of the population is vegetarian or vegan, which bodes well. Of these the 27,3% for the respect of animals, the 18,2% for philosophy of life, another 18,2 for environmental protection, always 18,2% for health reasons and the 18,1% to eat healthier and better. This can be motivated by the increasing presence of groups of young people who organize themselves in transformative movements, like Friday for Future and Extinction Rebellion to deconstruct what the past did wrong to the planet.


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