MujaVeg on Laura Zorzini's side

MujaVeg on Laura Zorzini's side

The paradox of rules that protect those who kill a bear and chain those who oppose violence. Laura Zorzini, activist of Animal Rebellion, risks invasive measures to limit personal freedom for having expressed all his dissent towards an anthropocentric society that makes the planet unlivable for most of its inhabitants.

The Trieste police headquarters has in fact requested special surveillance, a public security measure foreseen for mafia suspects in order to avoid contact with organized crime and applied by the Police to punish a spokesperson for animal liberation who allowed herself to interrupt Easter mass in the presence of the major city authorities to tell what the the injustices that afflict animals: “your majesty”.

Fortunately also the Public Prosecutor, listen to Laura's statements, considered that the measure requested by the Police Headquarters was disproportionate and asked the judge to reject it; in the next few days we will know the decision.

MujaVeg has always been close to animals and those who protect them and has chosen to make a donation to support the legal costs.
The articles on “The small”
After the hearing in the Court of Trieste, Laura tells her reasons

MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329