
MujaVeg ODV, It works to promote in various forms the vegan philosophy and all forms of product consumption reduction arising from the exploitation of animals

Even Eugene Sheets will be at the Festival MujaVeg

Eugenio Sheets MujaVeg Festival

Eugenio Sea Shepherd Sheets will be at MujaVeg Festival Sunday 12 June at 17.00 Eugenio Fogli Medico veterinario, video-operatore sub, Master in Programmazione Neuro Linguistica, environmentalist and documentary filmmaker for hobbies. technical diver with assets of almost 1000 immersioni. Nel 2009 gira un documentario sulle balene Megattere nei mari polinesiani. E’ stato per 8 years the organizer of the

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329