
MujaVeg ODV, It works to promote in various forms the vegan philosophy and all forms of product consumption reduction arising from the exploitation of animals


nutria mujaveg vegan vegetarian festival Trieste muggia 512

mile to 11. in 12. June, with 10.30 in 22. hour, hosted the first vegan festival in Trieste area. It aimed at the general public closer to the vegan lifestyle and in particular to present without eating animal products. The organizer of the event is Association “Vegetarians and Vegans Muja” with the support of the municipality. As part of the action is to be held 14 lectures, set up

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Even Rodrigo Codermatz to MujaVeg Festival

Rodrigo Codermatz, CaVegan writer and blogger will be at MujaVeg Festival on Saturday 11 June at 12.00 Se la società e il sistema consumistico stanno lentamente metabolizzando il veganesimo come scelta salutistica, dietetica e ambientalista e creando una nuova fascia di consumatori, il suo messaggio etico, al contrario, is more than ever opposed by how many

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Vernice di “At the End of the Mirror”. Exhibition of visual Tiziana Pers

The Tiziana Pers staff, will accompany the conference with installations and video reviews. This unfolds as a look as possible, un luogo in cui l’incontro tra l’uomo e ogni altro animale crea una potenzialità feconda per entrambi. Ogni tratto di Tiziana si incontra leggero sulle tele con diafane opalescenze pregne di intenzione e presenza. Its transparency

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329