
MujaVeg ODV, It works to promote in various forms the vegan philosophy and all forms of product consumption reduction arising from the exploitation of animals

The Cube of Truth in Muggia

Even Muggia saw its largest square in the Cube of Truth. The Muggia activists with the collaboration of volunteers from across the region and from outside the region, They have proposed the match performance art from Australia and now replicated around the world. Questa manifestazione è centrata sulla proiezione di filmati volti

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This year the kiosk MujaVeg the feast of St. Martin

Si rinnova per il terzo anno consecutivo la presenza a Muggia del chiosco del MujaVeg alla festa di San Martino La festa del vino è una buona occasione per prendersi del tempo e ragionare con gli attivisti sulle condizioni materiali ed istituzionalizzate di sfruttamento e messa a morte degli animali. E’ prioritaria infatti la presa

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MujaVeg Festival 2018

The second edition of the Festival again brings MujaVeg square conferences, debates and exhibition stands dedicated to the welfare of all animals, even those human. The festival aims to demonstrate how much fun, positive and optimistic a lifestyle that reduces as much as possible the exploitation of animals. MujaVeg Festival 2018, will open its doors on Saturday

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Even MujaVeg has adhered to the Marina InfioriAMO

The MujaVeg activists today have dressed the role of horticulturists and gardeners adhering to the project organized by a number of companies and individuals Milje, together with GAL Karst and the Municipality of Muggia. the idea is to colored “Mandracchio” Muggia, decorating it with flowers and ornamental plants. The activity, led by Elena Gelato Easy,

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The MujaVeg kiosk at the feast of St. Martin

Even vegetarians and vegans can meet autumnal flavors and tastes typical culture of Trieste to the San Martin Village in Muggia, through the stand organized by MujaVeg. The Milje activists as well as to taste sweets gastronomy pastry veg of Liberty, distribute information material on animal matter, and the reasons why

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MujaVeg to St. Martin festival in Muggia

Volunteers of MujaVeg, They will attend the event “Feast of St. Martin and the Ancient Autumn Flavours”. For the first time in the village of San Martino a stand completely dedicated to the promotion of vegetarianism. Vegetarians and vegans will be on hand to explain the reason for their choice, quali le difficoltà incontrate e quali i piaceri di un approccio alla

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The MujaVeg Festival again on Moj Pes Prijatelj

Dog My friend MujaVeg Festival

FESTIVAL MUJAVEG experienced premiere performance Although the organizers of the Vegan Festival in Muggia, decided, to be carried out in June, It should all have the smell of summer, a festival pass far from. Otherwise, shorter hours for the dry and even a little sunshine, They not exiled rain and unfortunately did not attract a large number of visitors. Stalls

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329