Whole wheat pasta with vegetables with teriyaki sauce

Whole wheat pasta with vegetables with teriyaki sauce

Ingredients (per 3 portions)

250 GR. of short wholemeal pasta
100 GR. of boiled mushrooms
100 gr. boiled carrots
100 gr. boiled peas
100 gr. boiled bean sprouts
100 gr. boiled corn
50 gr. yellow onion
Sale q.b.
EVO oil as needed.

Ingredients for the teriyaki sauce

120 ml of soy sauce (the low-sodium one with a green cap is fine too)
2 spoons of MIRIN (sweet sake)
1 spoonful of brown sugar
In the absence of MIRIN it is possible to increase the dose of sugar to 3 spoons .

wholemeal pasta with vegetables with teriyaki sauce
wholemeal pasta with vegetables with teriyaki sauce

Cooking: pot

Difficulty: medium-low


In a large saucepan put a drizzle d’ oil, heat and fry the chopped onion. Combine all the vegetables, add salt and cook for a few minutes .

For the teriyaki sauce, put all the ingredients in a non-stick pan and bring to a boil over low heat for a few minutes, always mixing without interruption.

Cook the pasta in the traditional way and after draining it, rekindle the fire of the vegetable casserole and add the pasta . Toss all together and then add the teriyaki sauce and mix.

Serve and serve .

Kriss Mucchi

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