
MujaVeg ODV, It works to promote in various forms the vegan philosophy and all forms of product consumption reduction arising from the exploitation of animals

Violence on fish in Muggia: a chorus of associations from the side of the weak

The animal rights activists ask to cancel the fishing event to be held in these days in Muggia and the withdrawal of the municipal patronage. The animal lovers believe it is now time to “to evolve” from an ethical point of view and hanging up all weapons, even those used to kill fish. <<Fishing

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MujaVeg Festival 2018

The second edition of the Festival again brings MujaVeg square conferences, debates and exhibition stands dedicated to the welfare of all animals, even those human. The festival aims to demonstrate how much fun, positive and optimistic a lifestyle that reduces as much as possible the exploitation of animals. MujaVeg Festival 2018, will open its doors on Saturday

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Even MujaVeg has adhered to the Marina InfioriAMO

The MujaVeg activists today have dressed the role of horticulturists and gardeners adhering to the project organized by a number of companies and individuals Milje, together with GAL Karst and the Municipality of Muggia. the idea is to colored “Mandracchio” Muggia, decorating it with flowers and ornamental plants. The activity, led by Elena Gelato Easy,

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Asked the stop to the slaughter floor of otters

A chorus of associations that protect the rights of animals to ask the FVG region to adopt non-violent methods to eradicate nutria. The Serracchiani Council has recently imposed a nutria eradication plan based exclusively on cruel methods. The associations do not criticize the decision to eradicate an alien animal habitat Regional, but they categorically refuse to use

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Il “Sea Park” It is nothing more than a prison for fish

It was held today a press conference to launch the petition which highlights all project issues for a mega aquarium in Trieste. Many animal welfare organizations / environmental Trieste who believe that the implementation of the Marine Park represents an ethical failure, Economic and for the image of the city. Alcune pubbliche amministrazioni continuano ad utilizzare le esigue risorse

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MujaVeg Volunteers and CAT succor wounded roe

Yesterday, 13 January, alcuni volontari di MujaVeg assieme ad alcuni soci del Club Alpinistico Triestino hanno soccorso un capriolo ferito in seguito alla caduta in una voragine carsica profonda una quarantina di metri. L’animale era stato individuato nel tardo pomeriggio del venerdì da un biospeleologo del CAT (A.C.), che al rientro si è prontamente

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Nutria Day: great success and attention from the authorities

Bloodless methods of reducing the number of otters are possible and are already working in other situations. This emerged the proposed event held Friday 10 November, to come in against the growing respect for animal life. The meeting organized by the founders of the Facebook page "otters Rio Ospo" with the collaboration of MujaVeg,

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Cages with birds at the mall: animal in uprising

Animalisti amazed by the choice of the direction of the shopping center Montedoro Shopping Center to host a bird show. <<Titled free as a bird a popular Beatles song, because the collective, birds, are the wild animals in the world>> Bacci tells Cristian Association MujaVeg <<But despite that we managed to exploit these, put them

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629 signatures to save the otters

More than 600 signatures for the petition “Save Nutrie” which it was presented today 11 September 2017 the President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council. The petition proposing the amendment of the Regional Law of the Friuli Venezia Giulia 09 June 2017 n. 20 <<Measures for containment aimed eradication of nutria (myocastr ciypus)>> per salvare

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MujaVeg for otters

MujaVeg promotes the petition to save the otters. With the Regional Law of the Friuli Venezia Giulia 9 June 2017 n.20, It was decreed the death penalty for all of the territory otters. Their crime is being born far from their home, where they lived peacefully until the early '900, quando poi furono catturate e

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MujaVeg OdV - 2016 - Via Dante Algieri, 21 - 34015 Muggia (TS) - C.F. 90148650329